Latest Developments and InsightsDiscover the PataFEST Project News

IRIS VOC control_patafest

Developing early detection tools for agricultural pests is vital for safeguarding Europe’s economically crucial potato industry. The PATAFEST initiative, led by IRIS, is pioneering innovative strategies to combat preharvest and postharvest threats, ensuring food security and promoting sustainable farming practices.

EU potato regulation
In July 2023, the European Commission proposed a significant overhaul of the regulations governing plant reproductive material (PRM) within the European Union.
PataFEST web- alimentaria
PATAFEST project is present at Alimentaria through the participation of our consortium partners: FUNDITEC, UDAPA & AINIA.
Drought in the Mediterranean Region

The Mediterranean region is no stranger to drought, having battled prolonged dry spells in northern Africa for the past six years and in Europe for over two years.

Patafest Meeting Vitoria

The second Consortium Meeting of the PATAFEST project was held in Vitoria. The meeting brought together project partners who presented their progress and discussed future plans in an atmosphere of collaboration and commitment, with renewed enthusiasm and a clear vision towards achieving the project's goals.

Potato Genome Breakthrough

By creating a comprehensive potato super pangenome from 300 potato varieties and wild relatives, McGill University scientist aim to identify genetic traits for disease resistance and climate adaptation.

Peasant selling potatoes

The prestigious open-air potato event held in Belgium showcased the latest innovations in potato farming, sustainable practices, and market trends. Industry professionals seized opportunities to connect, collaborate, and explore the future of potato cultivation and processing.

PataFEST Project-Kicks Off Meeting in Madrid

The 18-partner PataFEST Consortium held its official kick-off meeting, aiming to pioneer innovative strategies to control pests, identify resistance genes, and enhance post-harvest preservation through advanced technologies.